Bavykina Marina Lazarevna

Bavykina Marina LazarevnaBFVYKINA Marina Lazarevna – candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, assistant of department of pharmacy technology of medicines named after D.P. Salo.

Bavykina Marina Lazarevna


In 2011 year graduated from National University of Pharmacy, specialty “Pharmacy”, obtained qualification of pharmacist.

In 2012 year graduated from National University of Pharmacy, specialty “Pharmacy”, obtained qualification master of pharmacy. In the same year graduated from internship at the Institute of Advanced Training of pharmacy professionals NUP on specialty “General pharmacy”.

Worked as laboratory assistant of department of pharmacy of medicines technology (2013-2014 years), (2015-2016 years) senior laboratory assistant.

Learning – methodical work: Teaching at department of pharmacy of medicines technologies named after D.P. Salo. Laboratory trainings and seminars on subjects “Pharmacy technology of medicines”, “Biopharmacy”, “Introduction to the pharmacy.”

In the process of work at the department managed performance of diploma and master works of native students.

Scientific – research work: In 2016 defended thesis regarding obtaining degree of candidate of pharmaceutical sciences “Development of structure and the combination of gel technology for pharmacotherapy complications in hypo- estrogenic states in gynaecology”, specialty 15.00.01 – “Technology of medicines, organization of pharmaceutical business and court pharmacy” under leadership of d.f.s., professor Vishnevskaya L.I.

Participation in the cathedral and intercollegiate conferences. Participation in the 12th autumn assembly in Malta.

As of today, author of 29 publications, including 8 articles in journals VAK of Ukraine, 1 Ukrainian patents, 20 articles and materials of Ukrainian and international conferences.

In 2018 training obtained certificate at the school of the professional skill of teacher in NUP.