OLEYNIK Svetlana Valentinovna

фото Олейник
OLEYNIK Svetlana Valentinovna – candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs.

OLEYNIK Svetlana ValentinovnaOLEYNIK Svetlana Valentinovna

Graduated from the National University  of Pharmacy in 2006, where she worked: senior laboratory assistant (2006-2007), graduate student (2007-2010), associate professor (since 2010) of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs. Vocational guidance organizer of the department (since 2010), responsible for the discipline “Technology of homeopathic drugs” (from 2013).

Educational and methodical work. Teaching  classes on «Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs», «Biopharmacy», “Technology of homeopathic drugs”. Co-author of the workshop “Pharmacy technology of medicines” (2015), methodical instructions “Sterile medicines and medicines aseptical conditions of preparation”, (2010), the scientific manual “Working journal on production practice for pharmacy medicine technology” (2012), guidelines “Working a notebook on educational propaedeutic practice in pharmacy technology of medicines “(2014). Was a participant of the scientific  conferences (2008, 2011).

Research work: Creation of homeopathic medicinal drugs.  She defended the PhD thesis “Development of the composition and technology of homeopathic drugs from the medicinal plant Cyclamen europaeum” (2011). Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, among them – 12 articles, 2 patents, 38 theses.