3 октября 2021 года доцент кафедры аптечной технологии лекарств Национального фармацевтического университета Ромась Е.П., член Ассоциации гомеопатов Украины, Международной гомеопатической лиги (LMHI), участник клуба Гомеопатов Via Homeopatica стала участником ВСЕМИРНОГО ГОМЕОПАТИЧЕСКОГО САММИТА «Гомеопатия сегодня – проблемы и решения»

October 3, 2021, аssoc.professor of the Department of Drug Technology, Romas Kateryna Petrivna, National Pharmaceutical University, a member of the Association of Homeopaths of Ukraine, the International Homeopathic League (LMHI), a member of the Via Homeopatica Homeopathic Club, became a member of the WORLD HOMEOPATHIC SUMMIT “Homeopathy Today – Problems and Solutions”

October 3, 2021, аssoc.professor of the Department of Drug Technology, Romas Kateryna Petrivna, National Pharmaceutical University, a member of the Association of Homeopaths of Ukraine, the International Homeopathic League (LMHI), a member of the Via Homeopatica Homeopathic Club, became a Read more

2 октября 2021 года доцент кафедры аптечной технологии лекарств Национального фармацевтического университета Ромась Е.П., член Ассоциации гомеопатов Украины, Международной гомеопатической лиги (LMHI), участник клуба Гомеопатов Via Homeopatica стала участником ВСЕМИРНОГО ГОМЕОПАТИЧЕСКОГО САММИТА «Гомеопатия сегодня – проблемы и решения»

October 2, 2021, аssoc.professor of the Department of Drug Technology, Romas Kateryna Petrivna, National Pharmaceutical University, a member of the Association of Homeopaths of Ukraine, the International Homeopathic League (LMHI), a member of the Via Homeopatica Homeopathic Club, became a member of the WORLD HOMEOPATHIC SUMMIT “Homeopathy Today – Problems and Solutions”

October 2, 2021, аssoc.professor of the Department of Drug Technology, Romas Kateryna Petrivna, National Pharmaceutical University, a member of the Association of Homeopaths of Ukraine, the International Homeopathic League (LMHI), a member of the Via Homeopatica Homeopathic Club, became a Read more