Chemistry and not only – a meeting with fellow chemists

Хімія і не тільки – зустріч з колегами-хіміками

On March 17, 2023 at 18:00, at the meeting of the “Chemistry and Not Only” Club of the Department of General Chemistry, a meeting was held with the head of the Drug Technology Department of NUPh, Prof. Lilia Vyshnevska and head of the SSS of the Drug Technology Department, doctor of philosophy, assistant Ilona KONOVALENKO. Colleagues-technologists talked about the production of medicines in the conditions of a pharmacy, the prospects of students’ participation in the SSS of the department, and the requirements for the performance of qualification (master’s) theses.

The student of group Fm21(4,10d)-06, Krystyna SOLYANIK, continued the story about the German pharmacy (Kassel) and demonstrated the process of making the ointment.

Also, in this pharmacy, the manager (a 2000 graduate of NUPh) conducted an online tour and familiarized those present with the equipment of the pharmacy laboratory.

Chemistry and not only - a meeting with fellow chemists Chemistry and not only - a meeting with fellow chemists Chemistry and not only - a meeting with fellow chemists