Congratulations to the associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs, Zuikina Svitlana Sergiivna, and her scientific adviser, Ph.D. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Vyshnevskay Liliia Ivanivna with the defense

Поздравляем доцента кафедры аптечной технологии лекарств, Зуйкину Светлану Сергеевну, и ее научного консультанта – д. фарм. н., профессора Вишневскую Лилию Ивановну с защитой диссертационной работы

Congratulations to the associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs, Zuikina Svitlana Sergiivna, and her scientific adviser, Ph.D. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Vyshnevskay Liliia Ivanivna with the defense of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences on the topic “Theoretical substantiation and development of combined drugs for the treatment of mastopathy based on medicinal plant raw materials”.

We wish you further success in scientific and teaching work, creative inspiration and professional dedication!

Congratulations to the associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs, Zuikina Svitlana Sergiivna, and her scientific adviser, Ph.D. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Vyshnevskay Liliia Ivanivna with the defenseCongratulations to the associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs, Zuikina Svitlana Sergiivna, and her scientific adviser, Ph.D. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Vyshnevskay Liliia Ivanivna with the defenseCongratulations to the associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs, Zuikina Svitlana Sergiivna, and her scientific adviser, Ph.D. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Vyshnevskay Liliia Ivanivna with the defense