Meeting of the Council of RMC and SNT NUPh

Засідання ради РМВ та СНТ НФаУ

On October 7, 2021, at 3:30 pm, a joint meeting of the General Meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and the Student Scientific Society of NUPh took place in the lecture hall № 14 (4 Valentynivska Street). At the Meeting, elections for the positions of the Chairman of the SNO and election of the assets of the Council of the SNO were held.
Representatives from the department: responsible for SNT of the ATL department, as. Konovalenko IS, 5th year student of the 2nd group, Alla Kamyshan.

Meeting of the Council of RMC and SNT NUPh Meeting of the Council of RMC and SNT NUPh Meeting of the Council of RMC and SNT NUPh