I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology”


October 13, 2021 on the basis of the departments of pharmaceutical technology of drugs and industrial technology of drugs, an international scientific and practical conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” was held. The conference was attended by scientists from many countries, incl. Georgia, Poland, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Turkmenistan. During the plenary session, attention was paid to the issues of the latest developments in the technological field of pharmacy, the search for new excipients and active pharmaceutical ingredients, and the peculiarities of the manufacture of homeopathic remedies in Ukraine and abroad.
The organizing committee expresses gratitude to the participants for the fruitful and interesting work of the scientific event and wishes everyone good health, prosperity, new scientific achievements!

I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology” I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical technology”

Матеріали – Proceedings

Програма 13.10

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