Participation of postgraduate students in the scientific-practical conference in Odessa

Participation of postgraduate students in the scientific-practical conference in Odessa

The conference was held on September 15, 2017. in the International Humanities University, Odessa

Participation of postgraduate students in the scientific-practical conference in Odessa
Коноваленко И.С.
Participation of postgraduate students in the scientific-practical conference in Odessa
Зуйкина Е.В.
Participation of postgraduate students in the scientific-practical conference in Odessa
Участники научно-практической конференции
Participation of postgraduate students in the scientific-practical conference in Odessa
Зуйкина Е.В.
Participation of postgraduate students in the scientific-practical conference in Odessa
Коноваленко И.С.