SEMCHENKO Kateryna Valentynivna

SEMCHENKO Kateryna Valentynivna

Semchenko Kateryna – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs.

SEMCHENKO Kateryna ValentynivnaSEMCHENKO Kateryna ValentynivnaSEMCHENKO Kateryna ValentynivnaSEMCHENKO Kateryna Valentynivna


  • Graduated with honors from the National University of Pharmacy (2009), where she works: senior laboratory technician (2009-2012), assistant (from 2012-2016), phd student of the Department of Drug Technology (2010-2013), associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs (since 2016) of NUPh.
  • Performed the duties of a lecture laboratory technician (2009-2011), an assistant responsible for the work of SSS (2011), secretary of the Department of Drug Technology (2015-2016), responsible for the scientific activity of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs (since 2016).

Additional education

  • English language, Advanced level «Certificate in Advanced English» (2011).
  • «School of young teachers» NUPh (2014).
  • «Information and communication technologies of distance learning: e-Tutor» on the basis of CROCK University of Economics and Law, Kyiv (2017).
  • «Health Care IT: Challenges and Opportunities»,, by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (2017).
  • «Google Digital Tools for Education» (2022).

Educational and methodical work

  • Conducts laboratory and seminar classes on the technology of pharmacy drugs, the technology of manufacturing homeopathic remedies, biopharmacy.
  • Took part in writing training manuals «Довідкові матеріали для підготовки до ліцензійного іспиту« КРОК-2»з аптечної технології ліків для студентів спеціальності« Фармація»та«Reference materials for preparation to the licensed examination “CROCK-2″ on chemist’s technology of drugs» , «Guidelines to prepare for the final module control and state attestation on the discipline «Chemist’s Technology of Drugs», workbooks «Workbook for chemist’s technology of drugs» і «Workbook for practical training in chemist’s technology of drugs with methodological recommendations» for 3-5 year students, training manual «Електронний навчальний посібник з аптечної технології ліків для Самостійної позааудиторної роботи студентів», «Технология суппозиториев в условиях аптек», «Эволюция лекарственных форм и их изготовление» etc.
  • Is the author and co-author of methodical recommendations «Фітотерапія простатиту. Екстемпоральні прописи та фітозбори», «Екстемпоральна рецептура (технологія, аналіз, застосування)», «Фармакотерапія гельмінтозів травної системи та розробка протигельмінтних фітозасобів».
  • Is the author and co-author of methodical recommendations «Історія кафедри технології ліків Національного фармацевтичного університету», «Мистецтво фармацевтичної справи: від витоків до сьогодення. Art of pharmaceutical business: from the origins to the present», «Helminthiases of the digestive system: characteristiсs and prospects of creating new phytomedicines», «Capsules: history and modern directions of develop».

Scientific and research work

  • Defended a candidate’s thesis (2013) on the topic “Creation of combined suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis” (scientific supervisor – prof. Yarnykh T. G.)
  • Defended a doctoral dissertation (2021) on the topic “Theoretical and scientific justification of the pharmaceutical development of combined drugs for the complex treatment of helminth infections of the digestive system” (scientific consultant – prof. Vyshnevska L. I.).
  • Author and co-author of more than 150 scientific works, including 7 textbooks, 4 monographs, 3 methodological recommendations, 4 information letters, 7 patents of Ukraine, more than 50 scientific articles (including those in the scientometric database Scopus), more than 100 theses.

Social activities

  • Participates in the annual All-Ukrainian competition-exhibition “Spring Awakening” dedicated to March 8.
  • Participates in professional contests, including competition for awarding the Prize of the VRU to young scientists, competition for obtaining a named scholarship of the VRU for young scientists-doctors of sciences.
  • Prepares students for participation in research contests, conferences, etc.