Kriukova Anna

Kriukova AnnaKriukova Anna – candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, assistant professor of Drug Technology Department.

Kriukova AnnaKriukova AnnaKriukova Anna

Graduated from the National University of Pharmacy (2014), in which she works: laboratory assistant (2013-2014), senior laboratory assistant (2014-2015), scientific laboratory researcher (2015-2019). Since 2019, assistant professor of Drug Technology Department.


Educational and methodical work:

Teaches at the Drug Technology Department. Conducts laboratory and practical classes in the disciplines «Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs», «Fundamentals of modern homeopathy», «Biopharmacy», and also is the head of the «Practical training in Pharmaceutical Technology of Drugs» and master’s work.


Research work:

Passed a scientific and pedagogical internship at the Pan-European University (Slovakia) (2016) under the program «Methods of preparation and organization of the educational process at the Pan-European University», (48 hours).

She defended her PhD thesis (2019) on the topic «Development and standardization of combined plant drugs for use in rheumatic diseases of the joints» (supervisor – doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, prof. Vladymyrova I.).

Today she is the author and co-author of more than 40 scientific works: 12 articles in professional publications, including 3 articles in foreign publications, 3 patents of Ukraine, 3 newsletters, 35 theses.